The next time you feel anxious or overwhelmed with stress, do this:

Take deep breaths. Deep enough, you can see your chest rise and your stomach expand.⭐️     With your nose, take a deep and low breath.⭐️     At the top of your inhale, hold for a moment, and then take another quick inhale, like a sniff.⭐ ️ Exhale long and slow through your mouth until your lungs are empty.This simple exercise can offer, quick relief and ease your anxious or stressed feelings.To get the best results, repeat this exercise 5-10 times.Would you try this exercise? Do you know breathing is in charge of 70% of cleansing the body of toxins (the other 30% is through the bladder and bowels.) If you do not breathe fully, your body must work overtime to release these toxins.PS. Don’t keep this update to yourself. Help someone by sharing this post.

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